

2013.01-2015.06美国Old Dominion University工商管理硕士

2015.08-2020.06美国Old Dominion University金融学博士

Housing Market Strength and the Principal-agent Problem in Residential Market,Journal of Real Estate Research, 2023,通讯作者,SSCI二区

Subjective value function and stimulus-intensity-sensitive hedonic editing strategy,Journal of Happiness Study, 2022,共同通讯,SSCI一区

The COVID-19 Financial Technology and Financial Constraints, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,2021,通讯作者,SSCI一区

Diffused Effort and Real Estate Brokerage,Real Estate Economics,2021,第一作者,SSCI一区

Working papers:

lZhaohui Li, Michael J. Seiler and Hua Sun,Prospect Theory and a Two-way Disposition Effect: Theory and Evidence from the Housing Market

lZhaohui Li and Shixian Ling, Can Cross-ownership promote corporate innovation?

lZhaohui Li and Hua Sun,Is Tiger Woods Loss Averse? Comment.