



[1] Zhang, Y., Wu, S., & Rasheed, M. I. (2020). Conscientiousness and smartphone recycling intention: The moderating effect of risk perception.Waste Management, 101, 116-125.(SCI Q1 IF=7.15

[2]Zhang, Y., Hui Yang, Peng Cheng & Adeel Luqman (2020) . Predicting consumers’ intention to consume poultry during an H7N9 emergency: an extension of the theory of planned behavior model,Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 26:1, 190-211. (SCI Q1 IF=5.19

[3] Zhang, Y.,Rasheed, M.I.andLuqman, A.(2020), Work–family conflict and turnover intentions among Chinese nurses: The combined role of job and life satisfaction and perceived supervisor support,Personnel Review, 49(5), 1140-1156.(SSCI Q2 IF=3.43

[4]Zhang, Y., Crant, J. M., & Weng, Q. (2019). Role stressors and counterproductive work behavior: The role of negative affect and proactive personality.International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 27(3), 267-279.(SSCI Q4 IF=1.84
