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SSCI期刊《Sustainability》客座编辑;《Energy   Economics》《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Energy Policy》审稿人;韩中经济文化研究学会刊物《Korea-China Economic & Cultural Review》审稿人;








2003.09 -2007.07 88805新奧门莆京(威海) 88805新奧门莆京 电子商务专业,学士学位;

2007.09 -2012.07 北京理工大学 管理与经济学院 管理科学与工程专业,博士学位;

2012.09-2014.08 清华大学 中国工程科技发展战略研究院,博士后


2009.9-2010.9 (日本)东京大学 工学部(国家公派联合培养)



1.李燕.《中国对外直接投资的反向技术溢出效应研究》,经济科学出版社,2014. (专著).

2.李燕.《战略性新兴产业空间分布差异及集聚动力机制研究》,中国财经出版社,2018. (专著)

3.李燕.《五螺旋视角下区域战略性新兴产业创新发展研究》,中国财政经济出版社2021. (专著).




7.薛澜 .《战略性新兴产业创新规律与产业政策研究》,科学出版社,20153月,负责:第四章“中国战略性新兴产业发展:区域推动的特点与趋势”撰写


1.Yan Li* ,   Yigang Wei , Xueqing Wang Hanxiao Xu. Substantial Nitrogen Oxide Pollution Is Embodied in the   Bilateral Trade between China and the European Union[J] .International   Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2021,18(2):675.SCI

2.Yan Li*,   Zhicheng Wang*.Will Public Environmental Concerns Foster Green Innovation in   Chinas Automotive   Industry? An Empirical Study based on   Multi-Sourced Data Streams[J].Frontiers in energy research, 2021, 9: 7.(SCI)

3.Yan Li*,   Yigang Wei.Estimating the potential CO2 emission reduction in 97 contracting   countries of Paris Agreement[J]. Climate Change Economics, 2021, 12(02):   1-36.(SSCI )

4.Yan Li*,   Zhicheng Wang,Yigang Wei*. Pathways to Progress Sustainability: An Accurate   Ecological Footprint Analysis and Prediction for Shandong in China Based on   Integration of STIRPAT Model, PLS and BPNN[J] . Environmental science and   pollution research, 2021: 1-24.SCI )

5.Yan Li*,   Zhicheng Wang,Yigang Wei*.Water lock-in within China's economic industry   based on the inputoutput method and social network analysis[J]. Environmental Science and   Pollution ResearchSCI )

6.Yingbo Li ,   Yigang Wei , Yan Li* , Zhen Lei, Alessandra Ceriani. Connecting   emerging industry and regional innovation system: Linkages, effect and   paradigm in China[J].Technovation(SSCI.

7.Wei Yigang, Wang   Zhichao, Wang Huiwen, Yan Li*.Compositional data techniques for   forecasting dynamic change in China's energy consumption structure by 2020   and 2030[J].Journal of Cleaner Production(SSCI), 2021, 284: 124702.

8..Yan Li*,Jing   Li,Yigang Wei,Zhenyu Jiang.Identifying Price Bubbles in the US, European and   Asian Natural Gas Market: Evidence from a GSADF Test Approach. Energy   Economics, 2020. (SSCI)

9..Yan Li*,   Yigang Wei,Yuan Tao,Xiaoling Zhang.Regional and provincial CO2 emission   reduction task decomposition of China’s 2030 carbon emission peak according   to efficiency, equity and synthesizing principles. Structural Change and   Economic Dynamics, 2020.(SSCI)

10..Yan Li*   , Yigang Wei, Zhang Dong.Will China Achieve Its Ambitious Goal?—Forecasting   China’s CO2 Emission Intensity towards 2020.energies, 2020.(SCI)

11.Yan   Li*, Yigang Wei,Siqing Shan,Yuan   Tao. Pathways to a Low-Carbon Economy—Estimations   on Macroeconomic Costs and Potentials of Carbon Emission Abatement in   Beijing[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018.(SSCI)

12.Yigang Wei, Yan Li*,Jing Li, Yang Wang,Zeyu Qiang. Regional   and Longitudinal Disparity of Housing Bubbles in the U.S. markets: Evidence   from GSADF Tests[J]. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2020 (唯一通讯作者;SCI Q3)

13.Yigang Wei, Yan Li *,Meiyu Wu,Yingbo Li. The decomposition of total-factor CO2 emission efficiency of 97   contracting countries in Paris Agreement[J]. Energy Economics, 2019. (唯一通讯作者;SSCI)

14.Yigang Wei,   Zhichao wang, Huiwen wang, Yan Li*, Zhenyu jiang.Predicting   population age structures of China, India, and Vietnam by 2030 based on   compositional data.Plos One, 2019.(唯一通讯作者;SSCI )

15.Meiyu   Wu,Yigang Wei,Patrick T.I.Lam,Fangzhu Liu,Yan Li*. Is urban   development ecologically sustainable? Ecological footprint analysis and   prediction based on a modified artificial neural network model: A case study   of Tianjin in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019. (唯一通讯作者;SSCI )

16.Yigang Wei,   Yan Li*, Yuan Tao,Xinjing liu. Sustainable development and green gross   domestic product assessments in megacities based on the emergy analysis   method-A case study of Wuhan. Sustainable Development,2019 (唯一通讯作者;SSCI)

17.Yigang Wei,   Yan Li*,Meiyu Wu,Yingbo Li.Progressing sustainable development of ‘the   Belt and Road countries’: Estimating environmental efficiency based on the   Super-SBM model. Sustainable Development. Sustainable Development, 2019. (唯一通讯作者;SSCI )

18.Xinhua Zhu,   Yan Li *, Peifeng Zhang, Yigang Wei, Xuyang Zheng, Lingling   Xie.Temporal–spatial characteristics of urban land use efficiency of China’s   35mega cities based on DEA: Decomposing technology and scale efficiency. Land   Use Policy, 2019.SSCI

19.Yigang Wei,   Xinhua Zhu, Yan Li* ,Tang Yao, Yuan Tao. Influential factors of   national and regional CO2 emission in China based on combined model of DPSIR   and PLS-SEM[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019.(SSCI)

20.Xinhua   Zhu,Yigang Wei·,Yani Lai,Yan Li*,Sujuan Zhong,Chun Dai.Empirical   Analysis of the Driving Factors of China’s ‘Land Finance’ Mechanism Using   Soft Budget Constraint Theory and the PLS-SEM Model[J]. Sustainability, 2019.(SSCI)

21.Xinhua Zhu,   Peifeng Zhang, Yigang Wei , Yan Li *, Hongrui Zhao . Measuring the   efficiency and driving factors of urban land use based on the DEA method and   the PLS-SEM model—A case study of 35 large and medium-sized cities in China[J].   Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019. (SSCI)

22.Yigang Wei,   Wang, Z., Wang, H., Yao, T., & Yan Li *. Promoting inclusive water   governance and forecasting the structure of water consumption based on   compositional data: A case study of Beijing[J]. Science of The Total   Environment,2018. (SSCI)

23. Yan Li*,, Yingbo.   Overseas M&A of Chinese high-end equipment manufacturing. Actual     Problems of Economics,2016 (180):24-34.


25.李燕*,李应博. 高端装备制造企业海外并购的财富效应及影响因素研究——基于20012014年数据的实证分析[J]. 国际商务(对外经济贸易大学学报)(CSSCI),2016,01:139-149.

26.武盈盈,李燕*. 山东省工业能源效率及其影响因素研究[J]. 中国人口·资源与环境(CSSCI),2015,06:114-120.

27.李燕*,李应博. 对外直接投资技术溢出与科技进步关系研究[J]. 科研管理(CSSCI),2015,12:56-64.

28.李燕*,李应博. 我国生态效率演化及影响因素的实证分析[J]. 统计与决策(CSSCI,2015,15:120-122.

29.李燕*,李应博. 战略性新兴产业的空间分布特征及集聚动力机制研究[J]. 统计与决策(CSSCI),2015,20:130-133.

30.李燕*,李应博. 中国大学基础研究效率分析——基于贝叶斯随机前沿的实证研究[J]. 科技管理研究(CSSCI),2014,22:68-70+101.

31.李燕*,李应博.对东盟的对外直接投资对我国经济增长的影响研究,科学与科学技术管理(CSSCI),2013, 7:3-11.

32.李燕*,韩伯棠,张庆普.FDI溢出与区域技术差距的双门槛效应研究,科学学研究(CSSCI, 2011,   2:220-229.

33.李燕*, 韩伯棠,张庆普. 吸收能力、FDI溢出与科技进步——以山东省17地市为例的门槛效应研究,科技与经济(CSSCI, 2010, 4:8-11.

34.李燕*,张淑谦,韩伯棠.ISI中的论文合作看我国科研及学科发展,情报杂志(CSSCI, 2010, 10:9-13.


36.Yan Li*,Kazuyuki     Motohashi.Weighted Complex Networks of Inter-provincial knowledge   spillovers   in China: 2011 International Conference on E-Business and   E-Government(EI检索), 7606-7609页,东京

37.Yan Li*,Kazuyuki     Motohashi.Tacit and Explicit Knowledge spillovers effects on regional     economic growth: Evidence from China2011 International Conference on E-Business and   E-Government(EI检索), 763-765页,东京

38.李燕*, 韩伯棠. 弱隐性知识溢出对经济增长的贡献分析——基于CNKIISI的论文合作数据,科学学研究(CSSCI, 2010,10:1547-1554.    


1.2015/07-2020/06 国家社科基金青年项目,五螺旋视角下区域战略性新兴产业创新发展研究(主持)

2.2019/01-2020/12   65批中国博士后科学基金面上项目,巴黎协定下碳减排任务的省域分解及双重解锁路径研究(主持)

3.2020/01-2024/12 88805新奧门莆京(威海)青年学者未来计划,碳排放权交易制度对控排企业技术创新与竞争力的影响研究(主持);

4.2019/01-2020/12   88805新奧门莆京(威海)人才科研启动基金,中国省域低碳约束与战略性新兴产业创新的耦合关系研究(主持)







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